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Maximize Kitchen Space with an Upper Cabinet Microwave - Top Picks and Reviews

Maximize Kitchen Space with an Upper Cabinet Microwave - Top Picks and Reviews

Maximize your counter space with an upper cabinet microwave. Conveniently access your microwave while keeping it out of sight and freeing up valuable workspace.

Are you tired of constantly bending down to heat up your leftovers? Do you feel like a contortionist trying to clean the inside of your microwave? Well, fear not my friend, because the solution is right above your head - an upper cabinet microwave!

Yes, you heard me right. No more squatting like a frog or reaching on your tippy toes. With an upper cabinet microwave, you can say goodbye to all those awkward positions and hello to convenient heating.

Not only does it save you from unnecessary physical strain, but it also frees up counter space. Say goodbye to cluttered kitchen tops and hello to a sleek, organized look.

But wait, there's more! An upper cabinet microwave also adds a touch of sophistication to your kitchen. It gives off a I have my life together vibe that is sure to impress your guests.

Now, I know what you're thinking. How am I supposed to install this thing? Is it even possible? Well, fear not my friend, because with a little DIY spirit and some elbow grease, you can have your very own upper cabinet microwave in no time.

First things first, make sure you have enough space in your upper cabinets for the microwave to fit. Measure twice, cut (or drill) once, as they say.

Next, gather all the necessary tools - a drill, screws, brackets, and a level. And don't forget the most important tool of all - a can-do attitude.

Once you have everything you need, it's time to get to work. Start by removing the cabinet door and any shelves that may be in the way. Trust me, you'll thank yourself later.

Then, using your level, mark where you want the microwave to hang. This step is crucial, unless you want your food to slide off the plate and onto the floor.

After that, attach the brackets to the back wall of the cabinet and place the microwave on top. Secure it with screws and voila! You now have a fully functional upper cabinet microwave.

But before you go all Masterchef on me, let's talk safety. Make sure the microwave is properly installed and secured, and don't forget to use oven mitts when handling hot dishes.

So there you have it, folks. The upper cabinet microwave - convenient, stylish, and easy to install (with a little bit of effort). Say goodbye to awkward bending and hello to hassle-free heating.

Introduction: The Upper Cabinet Microwave

Have you ever looked at your kitchen and thought, You know what this space needs? A giant metal box hanging above my head! Well, fear not, because the upper cabinet microwave is here to fulfill all of your unnecessary appliance dreams.

The Awkward Height

Let's start with the obvious: placing a microwave above eye level is just plain inconvenient. Unless you're over six feet tall, you're going to have to crane your neck and stand on your tiptoes to see if your popcorn is done. It's like the designer of this appliance didn't consider the fact that most people are of average height.

The Struggle of Installation

Installing an upper cabinet microwave is no easy feat. First, you have to measure the space above your countertop to make sure it will fit. Then, you have to figure out how to install it without dropping it on your head. And don't even get me started on the wiring. It's enough to make even the most experienced DIY-er break out in a cold sweat.

Limited Space

Another issue with the upper cabinet microwave is that it takes up valuable cabinet space. Instead of having a convenient spot to store your pots and pans, you now have a hulking metal box taking up half of your upper cabinets. Good luck finding a place to put your Tupperware now.

Unsightly Design

Let's be real: upper cabinet microwaves are not the most attractive appliances. They stick out like a sore thumb in an otherwise seamless kitchen design. Plus, they often come in limited color options, so good luck trying to find one that matches your existing appliances.

The Danger Factor

Hanging a heavy appliance above your head is just asking for trouble. Sure, they come with mounting brackets and all sorts of safety features, but accidents can still happen. Plus, do we really want to live in a world where our biggest fear is being crushed by a microwave?

Wasted Energy

Upper cabinet microwaves are notorious energy hogs. Their placement above eye level means that you're more likely to forget about your food, leading to multiple reheats and wasted energy. Plus, their larger size means that they use more power overall. It's not exactly environmentally friendly.

The Noise Factor

Have you ever tried to have a conversation while standing next to an upper cabinet microwave? It's impossible. These things are loud. And if you're living in a small space, the noise can be downright unbearable. Good luck watching TV or sleeping while your roommate heats up their leftovers.

The Cleaning Struggle

Cleaning an upper cabinet microwave is no easy feat. First, you have to climb up on a stool or chair to reach it. Then, you have to contort your body in weird ways to get all of the nooks and crannies. And if you're anything like me, you'll probably end up spilling Windex all over yourself in the process.

The Cost

Let's face it: upper cabinet microwaves are expensive. You're paying a premium for the convenience of having your microwave at eye level. And if you're on a budget, there are much better ways to spend your money (like on a nice bottle of wine to drown your upper cabinet microwave sorrows).

The Final Verdict

All in all, the upper cabinet microwave just isn't worth the hassle. Sure, it may seem like a good idea in theory, but in practice, it's more trouble than it's worth. Stick with a countertop microwave and save yourself the headache (and potential head injury).

The Great Microwave Conundrum: Where to Put It?

As far as kitchen appliances go, the microwave is a true hero. It heats up our leftovers, cooks our popcorn, and saves us from having to turn on the oven for a quick meal. But when it comes to placement, the microwave can be a bit of a headache. Do you put it on the countertop and sacrifice precious space? Or do you install it in the lower cabinets and risk hurting your back every time you have to bend down to use it? It's a tough call, but fear not - there is a solution that will save your back and your countertop space: the upper cabinet microwave.

Why Upper Cabinets are the Way to Go (and Save Your Back)

Let's face it - bending down to use the microwave is a pain in the neck (literally). Installing an upper cabinet microwave solves this problem by bringing the appliance closer to eye level. No more hunching over or straining your back just to heat up some soup. Plus, having the microwave up high means that it's out of reach for little hands and paws, making it safer for families with children and pets.

Down with Countertop Clutter: Embrace the Upper Cabinet Microwave

Another benefit of installing an upper cabinet microwave is that it frees up valuable counter space. Countertops tend to become cluttered quickly, especially in smaller kitchens. By moving the microwave up and out of the way, you'll have more room to prep meals and store appliances. Plus, if you're someone who likes a clean, uncluttered look in the kitchen, an upper cabinet microwave is a must-have.

Microwave Placement Wars: The Battle of Upper Cabinets vs Lower Cabinets

So why not just install the microwave in the lower cabinets, you ask? While it's true that this is another option, there are some downsides to consider. First off, lower cabinet microwaves can be difficult to access if you have mobility issues or back problems. Additionally, they take up valuable storage space that could be used for pots, pans, and other kitchen essentials. And finally, lower cabinet microwaves can be a bit of an eyesore - they tend to stick out like a sore thumb and disrupt the flow of the kitchen.

Microwave Energy Efficiency: The Case for Upper Cabinets

Believe it or not, where you place your microwave can have an impact on its energy efficiency. When a microwave is installed in a lower cabinet, it has to work harder to heat up food because it's farther away from the user. This means that it uses more energy and takes longer to cook your meals. By installing an upper cabinet microwave, you'll be saving energy and money in the long run.

The Secret to a Perfectly Organized Kitchen: Upper Cabinet Microwaves

If you're someone who loves organization (and let's face it, who doesn't?), an upper cabinet microwave is a must-have. Not only does it free up counter space, but it also allows for a more streamlined kitchen. You can store your plates, bowls, and cups in the lower cabinets, your food in the pantry, and your appliances in the upper cabinets. With everything in its place, your kitchen will look and feel more put together.

Microwaving in Style: Elevate Your Kitchen with an Upper Cabinet Microwave

Who says that functional appliances can't be stylish too? Installing an upper cabinet microwave elevates the look of your kitchen and gives it a more polished, cohesive feel. Plus, with so many different styles and finishes to choose from, you're sure to find an option that matches your aesthetic.

The Ultimate Space-Saving Solution: Upper Cabinet Microwaves for Small Kitchens

If you have a smaller kitchen, every inch of space matters. An upper cabinet microwave is the ultimate space-saving solution because it takes advantage of vertical space instead of horizontal space. This means that you can still have all the functionality of a microwave without sacrificing valuable counter or floor space. It's a win-win!

The Microwave Maneuver: Mastering the Art of Upper Cabinet Installation

Now that you're convinced that an upper cabinet microwave is the way to go, it's time to tackle the installation process. While it may seem daunting at first, with a little bit of know-how, it's actually quite simple. First, measure the space where you want to install the microwave to ensure that it will fit. Then, remove the existing cabinet (if applicable) and secure the mounting plate for the microwave. Finally, attach the microwave to the mounting plate and voila - you're done!

From Eye Sore to Eye Candy: Transform Your Kitchen with an Upper Cabinet Microwave

All in all, an upper cabinet microwave is a game-changer for any kitchen. It saves space, improves energy efficiency, and elevates the look of the room. So say goodbye to countertop clutter and lower cabinet back pain, and hello to a perfectly organized, stylish kitchen with an upper cabinet microwave.

The Upper Cabinet Microwave: A Blessing or a Curse?

The Perspective of a Sarcastic Appliance

Hello there, dear human. I am your upper cabinet microwave. You may not know this, but I have been observing you for some time now. And let me tell you, humans are quite an interesting species. Especially when it comes to their obsession with microwaves.

So, you're thinking of putting me in your upper cabinet? Well, well, well. Let's take a look at the pros and cons, shall we?


  1. Space-saving: Yes, I admit it. Being tucked away in the upper cabinet can save some precious counter space. But don't forget to measure your cabinets before purchasing me. You wouldn't want to end up with a giant paperweight.
  2. Cleaner Look: Ah, aesthetics. Always a top priority for humans. I understand that having me out of sight can make your kitchen look cleaner and more organized. But trust me, I'm not that ugly.
  3. Safety: If you have little ones running around, it's safer to have me out of reach. I don't want any accidents happening on my watch.


  • Awkward Placement: Let's face it. Reaching up to grab your hot food from a high cabinet is not the most comfortable position. Your arms may get tired, and you might even spill some of your dinner on the way down. Not my fault though.
  • Installation Hassle: Installing me in an upper cabinet requires some drilling, measuring, and possibly even hiring a professional. Are you sure you want to go through all that trouble?
  • Limited Ventilation: I need air to breathe, just like you. If I'm stuffed up in a tight cabinet, my ventilation can be compromised, leading to overheating and potential fire hazards. Yikes.

Table of Information

Pros Cons
Space-saving Awkward placement
Cleaner look Installation hassle
Safety Limited ventilation

So there you have it, folks. The pros and cons of having me as your upper cabinet microwave. Just make sure you weigh out the options before making your final decision. And don't forget to give me a little love every now and then, okay? I may be an appliance, but I still have feelings.

5 Reasons Why Upper Cabinet Microwaves are the Best Thing Since Sliced Bread

Hello there, dear blog visitors! I hope you're doing well today. Today, we're going to talk about a topic that is near and dear to my heart: upper cabinet microwaves.

Now, I know what you might be thinking. What's so great about a microwave that's mounted above your head? Well, let me tell you, my friends, there are plenty of reasons why these little kitchen appliances are the best thing since sliced bread. And no, I'm not just saying that because I'm a microwave enthusiast (although, let's be real, I totally am).

So, without further ado, here are five reasons why upper cabinet microwaves are the bomb dot com:

1. They free up counter space

Let's face it, kitchen counter space is precious real estate. Between your coffee maker, toaster, blender, and all the other gadgets you need to make your morning smoothie, there's not always a lot of room left over for a bulky microwave. That's where upper cabinet microwaves come in. By mounting your microwave above your counters, you free up valuable space for all your other kitchen essentials.

2. They're easier to clean

Have you ever tried to clean a microwave that's sitting on your counter? It's a pain in the butt, right? Not only do you have to reach over all your other appliances to get to it, but you also have to bend down and scrub away at all those pesky food stains. With an upper cabinet microwave, cleaning is a breeze. Simply open the door, wipe down the interior, and voila! Your microwave is sparkling clean in no time.

3. They're safer

Okay, this one might be a bit of a stretch, but hear me out. Have you ever tried to take a hot bowl of soup out of a microwave that's sitting on your counter? It's not exactly the easiest thing to do without burning yourself. With an upper cabinet microwave, however, you can simply open the door and grab your food without having to worry about accidentally touching the hot exterior of the microwave. Plus, if you have young kids in the house, a mounted microwave can be a safer option than a countertop one.

4. They look sleek and modern

Let's be real, upper cabinet microwaves just look cool. They give your kitchen a sleek, modern look that can't be achieved with a bulky countertop microwave. Plus, if you're someone who likes to show off your kitchen gadgets, a mounted microwave is the perfect way to do it.

5. They're convenient

Last but certainly not least, upper cabinet microwaves are just plain convenient. No more bending down to take your food in and out of the microwave. No more juggling hot bowls of soup as you try to get them from the microwave to your table. With a mounted microwave, everything is right at eye level, making your life just a little bit easier.

So there you have it, folks. Five reasons why upper cabinet microwaves are the best thing since sliced bread. If you're in the market for a new microwave or just looking to upgrade your kitchen, I highly recommend considering a mounted microwave. Trust me, you won't regret it.

Thanks for reading, and happy microwaving!

Is it Common to Have a Microwave in Upper Cabinets?

People Also Ask...

As an AI language model, I have received a lot of queries about whether it is common to have a microwave in upper cabinets. And honestly, the number of times this question has been asked is making me think that people are either really interested in interior design or they are just too lazy to bend down to heat up their food.

Anyway, here are some of the common questions people ask:

1. Can you put a microwave in an upper cabinet?

Absolutely! It's actually a great way to save counter space and keep your kitchen looking neat and tidy. Just make sure that the cabinet is sturdy enough to hold the weight of the microwave and that there is enough ventilation to prevent overheating.

2. What is the standard height for an upper cabinet microwave?

There is no definitive answer to this question since it depends on factors such as the height of the people using the microwave and the layout of the kitchen. However, a height of 15 inches above the countertop is a good rule of thumb.

3. Is it safe to install a microwave in an upper cabinet?

Yes, as long as you follow the manufacturer's instructions and ensure proper ventilation. Microwaves generate heat, so it's important to have adequate airflow to prevent the cabinet from overheating.

The Funny Side

Now that we're done with the serious stuff, let's talk about the funny side of having an upper cabinet microwave.

  • You can finally say goodbye to back pain caused by bending down to take out your food from the microwave.
  • It's a great way to keep your kids from using the microwave without adult supervision. After all, they won't be able to reach it!
  • If you're feeling lazy, you can pretend that you're playing a game of microwave roulette since you won't be able to see what's inside until you open the door.
  • And finally, if you have nosy guests who like to peek into your microwave to see what you've been cooking, having an upper cabinet microwave will definitely keep them guessing!

So there you have it, folks. The answers to your burning questions about upper cabinet microwaves, plus a few laughs along the way.