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Discover the Charm of an Antique Humidor Cabinet: A Perfect Addition for Cigar Connoisseurs

Discover the Charm of an Antique Humidor Cabinet: A Perfect Addition for Cigar Connoisseurs

This antique humidor cabinet is a stunning piece of history, perfect for storing and displaying your most treasured cigars. A must-have for any collector.

Are you a cigar aficionado looking for the perfect way to store and display your prized collection? Look no further than the antique humidor cabinet! This stunning piece of furniture not only keeps your cigars in pristine condition but also adds a touch of class to any room. But beware, once you invest in one of these beauties, you may find yourself spending more time admiring your cabinet than actually smoking your cigars.

Now, let's talk about the history of the humidor cabinet. These pieces originated in the 19th century when cigars started becoming more popular. People needed a place to store their cigars that would keep them fresh and prevent them from drying out. The first humidor cabinets were made from wood and lined with Spanish cedar, which helps to regulate humidity levels and keep the cigars at their optimal condition.

But why settle for a boring modern humidor when you can have an antique humidor cabinet? These cabinets are not only practical but also make for a stunning conversation piece. Imagine your guests' reactions when they see your beautifully crafted, vintage humidor cabinet filled with your favorite cigars.

One of the benefits of an antique humidor cabinet is its unique design. Many of these cabinets were made by skilled craftsmen and feature intricate carvings or inlays. You can choose a cabinet that matches your personal style, whether it be a classic wooden cabinet or a more ornate, decorative piece.

Another advantage of an antique humidor cabinet is its durability. Many of these cabinets were built to last and have already stood the test of time. You won't have to worry about replacing your humidor every few years like you would with a cheaper, modern model.

Of course, owning an antique humidor cabinet does come with its challenges. You will need to properly maintain the cabinet to ensure that it continues to function properly. This includes regularly checking the humidity levels and replacing any worn or damaged parts.

But don't let that deter you from investing in one of these beautiful pieces. The benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. Plus, there's something special about owning a piece of history that has been passed down through generations.

If you're in the market for an antique humidor cabinet, be prepared to do your research. These cabinets can be quite expensive, but the investment is well worth it. Look for reputable dealers who specialize in antique furniture and always ask for a certificate of authenticity.

Once you've found the perfect antique humidor cabinet, it's time to start filling it with your favorite cigars. But remember, don't just stick any old cigar in there. Invest in high-quality cigars and take the time to properly store them in the cabinet.

Finally, sit back and enjoy your collection. There's nothing quite like opening your antique humidor cabinet and selecting the perfect cigar for the occasion. And when your guests come over, be sure to show off your stunning piece of furniture and impress them with your impeccable taste.

In conclusion, an antique humidor cabinet is not only a practical way to store your cigars but also a beautiful piece of furniture that will add elegance and class to any room. While they may require some maintenance, the benefits of owning an antique humidor cabinet far outweigh the drawbacks. So go ahead, invest in one of these stunning pieces and enjoy your cigars in style.


Antique humidor cabinets are a rarity these days. Not only are they hard to find, but they also come with a hefty price tag. However, if you are lucky enough to get your hands on one, it will surely be worth every penny. These cabinets are not just any ordinary piece of furniture; they have a special history and charm to them that cannot be replicated. In this article, we will take a closer look at antique humidor cabinets and why they are such a prized possession.

What is an Antique Humidor Cabinet?

Before we dive deeper into the world of antique humidor cabinets, let's first understand what they are. A humidor cabinet is a specialized piece of furniture used to store cigars. It is designed to maintain a constant humidity level, which is essential for keeping cigars in top condition. Antique humidor cabinets, as the name suggests, are older versions of these cabinets that were made decades ago. They are usually made from high-quality materials and have intricate designs that reflect the craftsmanship of their time.

The History of Antique Humidor Cabinets

Antique humidor cabinets have a rich history that dates back to the 19th century. During this time, smoking cigars was a popular pastime among the wealthy and aristocratic classes. As a result, cigar storage became an essential aspect of their lifestyle. The first humidor cabinets were made in Europe, mainly in Spain and France, and were used to store expensive Cuban cigars. These cabinets were made from fine woods such as mahogany, walnut, and ebony and were beautifully decorated with intricate carvings and inlays.

The Design of Antique Humidor Cabinets

One of the most striking features of antique humidor cabinets is their design. These cabinets were not just functional pieces of furniture but also works of art. They were designed to impress and reflect the wealth and status of their owners. The cabinets usually had multiple compartments, each with its own hygrometer and humidifier. The interiors were lined with cedar wood, which is known for its ability to absorb moisture and prevent the growth of mold and bacteria. The exteriors were often decorated with intricate carvings, brass fittings, and inlays made from exotic woods.

The Value of Antique Humidor Cabinets

Antique humidor cabinets are highly valued by collectors and cigar aficionados alike. The value of these cabinets depends on several factors, such as age, condition, rarity, and provenance. Cabinets that are in good condition and have a documented history can fetch high prices at auction. In 2017, an antique humidor cabinet made by the French company Galle sold for over $22,000 at an auction in New York.

Caring for Antique Humidor Cabinets

If you are lucky enough to own an antique humidor cabinet, it is essential to take proper care of it. These cabinets are delicate and require special attention to maintain their condition. It is important to keep the humidity level constant and not expose the cabinet to direct sunlight. Regular cleaning and polishing can help preserve the wood and prevent any damage from insects or dust.

The Joy of Owning an Antique Humidor Cabinet

Owning an antique humidor cabinet is not just about the monetary value; it is also about the joy and satisfaction of owning a piece of history. These cabinets have a unique character and charm that cannot be found in modern furniture. They tell a story of a time gone by and reflect the craftsmanship and artistry of their makers. Every time you open the cabinet and take out a cigar, you are transported back in time to a bygone era.


In conclusion, antique humidor cabinets are not just pieces of furniture but also works of art. They have a rich history and unique charm that cannot be replicated. Owning one of these cabinets is a privilege that should be cherished and enjoyed. If you are a cigar aficionado or a collector, an antique humidor cabinet is a must-have item in your collection. It is a testament to the craftsmanship and artistry of a bygone era and a treasure to be passed down through generations.

The Old Timey Cigar Keeper

Do you have a love for cigars that just can't be tamed? Are you constantly on the hunt for the perfect way to store and display your prized possessions? Look no further than The Old Timey Cigar Keeper, a cabinet fit for a cigar connoisseur.

A Cabinet Fit for a Cigar Connoisseur

With its antique charm and modern functionality, The Old Timey Cigar Keeper is the perfect addition to your man cave. Its rich wood finish and intricate carvings give it a classic, timeless feel that will never go out of style. But don't let its old-fashioned appearance fool you - this cabinet is equipped with all the latest features to keep your cigars fresh and stylish.

Where Your Cigars Go to Retire

When your cigars are ready for retirement, they deserve a place to call home. The Old Timey Cigar Keeper provides that home with its spacious interior and adjustable shelves. You can fit all your favorite brands and sizes inside, and the cabinet will keep them at the perfect humidity level for ultimate freshness.

Antique Charm Meets Modern Functionality

The Old Timey Cigar Keeper isn't just a pretty face - it's also incredibly practical. Its built-in hygrometer and humidifier ensure that your cigars stay at their optimal humidity level, and its lock and key keep them safe and secure. Plus, its compact size makes it easy to move and store, so you can take your cigars with you wherever you go.

The Perfect Addition to Your Man Cave

If you're looking to add some class and sophistication to your man cave, The Old Timey Cigar Keeper is the way to go. It's the perfect complement to your leather armchair and whiskey decanter, and it's sure to impress all your cigar-loving friends.

Because Your Cigars Deserve the Best

Your cigars are more than just a hobby - they're a passion. And when you're passionate about something, you want to make sure you're treating it right. The Old Timey Cigar Keeper is the best way to do that. It will keep your cigars fresh, stylish, and secure, so you can enjoy them for years to come.

Cigars, Meet Your New Home

It's time for your cigars to meet their new home in The Old Timey Cigar Keeper. This cabinet is a piece of history that's still relevant today, and it's the perfect way to showcase your love for the finer things in life. Whether you're a seasoned cigar connoisseur or just starting out, The Old Timey Cigar Keeper is the ultimate storage solution for your favorite smokes.

Putting the 'Class' in Classic

The Old Timey Cigar Keeper is a true classic, with its elegant design and timeless appeal. But it also puts the 'class' in classic, with its modern features and functionality. It's the perfect blend of old and new, and it's sure to impress anyone who sees it.

Keeping Your Cigars Fresh and Stylish

Cigars are more than just tobacco - they're a work of art. And like any work of art, they need to be protected and preserved. The Old Timey Cigar Keeper does just that, keeping your cigars fresh and stylish for as long as you want to keep them.

A Piece of History That's Still Relevant Today

The Old Timey Cigar Keeper is more than just a cabinet - it's a piece of history. Its antique design and craftsmanship harken back to a time when cigars were king, and the men who smoked them were legends. But even though times have changed, the love for cigars has not. And The Old Timey Cigar Keeper is still just as relevant today as it was back then.

So if you're ready to take your cigar game to the next level, invest in The Old Timey Cigar Keeper. Your cigars will thank you, and your friends will be jealous.

Why Antique Humidor Cabinets are Not Your Best Bet for Storing Cigars

The Pros and Cons of Antique Humidor Cabinets

As a cigar enthusiast, you know that storing your cigars properly is crucial to maintaining their quality and taste. And while antique humidor cabinets may seem like an attractive option, they are not always the best choice.


  • Antique humidor cabinets are often made from beautiful, high-quality materials such as mahogany or cedar.
  • They can add a touch of elegance and sophistication to any room in your home.
  • Depending on the condition and rarity of the piece, antique humidor cabinets can be valuable collector's items.


  1. Antique humidor cabinets are not designed specifically for storing cigars, which means they may not provide the proper humidity levels or ventilation needed to keep your cigars fresh.
  2. They can be difficult to maintain and regulate, especially if they are not equipped with modern humidification systems.
  3. Antique humidor cabinets are often expensive and may require costly restoration work to bring them up to modern standards.

So, while antique humidor cabinets may look impressive, they are not always the most practical or effective way to store your cigars.

The Importance of Proper Cigar Storage

As a cigar lover, you know that the key to enjoying a great smoke is to store your cigars properly. Here are some important factors to keep in mind when it comes to cigar storage:

  • Humidity: Cigars need to be stored in a humid environment to maintain their moisture content and prevent them from drying out. The ideal humidity level for cigars is between 65% and 70%.
  • Temperature: Cigars should be stored at a temperature between 65°F and 73°F to prevent them from drying out or becoming too moist.
  • Ventilation: Proper ventilation is important to ensure that your cigars receive fresh air and do not become stale.

By keeping these factors in mind and investing in a quality humidor, you can enjoy your cigars to the fullest and ensure that they stay fresh and flavorful for years to come.

The Antique Humidor Cabinet: A Must-Have for Cigar Enthusiasts

Welcome, my dear blog visitors, to this delightful post about the antique humidor cabinet. If you're a cigar enthusiast, then this is the perfect read for you. Not only will you learn about the history and importance of the humidor cabinet, but you'll also be entertained by my witty and charming writing style. Buckle up and prepare to have a good laugh!

Let's start with the basics. What is a humidor cabinet? Well, my dear friends, it's a fancy box that is used to store cigars. But it's not just any old box – it's specially designed to maintain the ideal humidity level to keep your cigars fresh and delicious. Think of it as a spa for your precious stogies.

Now, you may be wondering why you would need an antique humidor cabinet when you could just use a regular old Tupperware container. First of all, how dare you! Second of all, a humidor cabinet is not just a storage solution – it's a statement piece. It shows that you take your cigar collection seriously and that you have impeccable taste in home decor.

But let's not forget about the history behind the humidor cabinet. Did you know that the first humidor was invented in the early 19th century? That's right – people have been taking their cigar storage seriously for centuries. And if it's good enough for our ancestors, then it's definitely good enough for us.

Now, let's talk about the different types of antique humidor cabinets. There are so many options to choose from, each with its own unique style and charm. You could go for a classic wooden humidor cabinet, which is perfect for those who appreciate a more traditional look. Or, if you're feeling fancy, you could opt for a glass-fronted humidor cabinet, which allows you to show off your cigar collection in all its glory.

But wait, there's more! Did you know that some antique humidor cabinets come with built-in humidifiers and hygrometers? That's right – you don't even have to worry about maintaining the ideal humidity level yourself. The humidor cabinet will do it for you. It's like having your own personal cigar butler.

Now, I know what you're thinking – But won't an antique humidor cabinet be incredibly expensive? Well, my dear friends, it depends on how much you're willing to spend. You can find antique humidor cabinets at various price points, so there's something for every budget. And think of it this way – it's an investment in your cigar collection and your overall happiness. Can you really put a price on that?

Before I wrap up this delightful post, I have one final message for you – if you're a cigar enthusiast, then you absolutely need an antique humidor cabinet in your life. Not only will it keep your cigars fresh and delicious, but it will also elevate your home decor game. Plus, it's just downright cool. So, what are you waiting for? Go out and get yourself an antique humidor cabinet today. Your cigars (and your happiness) will thank you.

Until next time, my dear blog visitors!

People Also Ask About Antique Humidor Cabinet

What is an antique humidor cabinet?

An antique humidor cabinet is a piece of furniture that was used to store and age cigars. It is typically made of wood and features airtight compartments or drawers that maintain a consistent level of humidity, preventing the cigars from drying out.

How do I know if my humidor cabinet is antique?

Well, first of all, if you purchased it at IKEA last week, it's probably not antique. But if you inherited it from your great-grandfather who was known for his love of fine cigars, there's a good chance it might be antique. Look for signs of wear and tear, such as scratches, dents, and faded finishes. An antique humidor cabinet should also have a certain charm and character that sets it apart from modern pieces.

Can I still use an antique humidor cabinet?

Sure, why not? As long as it's in good condition and properly maintained, an antique humidor cabinet can still be a functional and stylish addition to any cigar aficionado's collection. Just make sure to follow proper storage and maintenance techniques to keep your cigars fresh and flavorful.

What's the value of an antique humidor cabinet?

The value of an antique humidor cabinet depends on a variety of factors, including its age, condition, rarity, and provenance. Some antique humidor cabinets can fetch thousands of dollars at auction, while others may be more modestly priced. Ultimately, the value of an antique humidor cabinet is determined by how much someone is willing to pay for it.

Can I use my antique humidor cabinet as a conversation starter?

Absolutely! An antique humidor cabinet is not only a functional piece of furniture but also a great conversation starter. It can be a way to show off your love of cigars and your appreciation for the finer things in life. Just make sure you have some good stories to go along with it!


If you're lucky enough to own an antique humidor cabinet, cherish it! It's not only a piece of furniture but also a part of history and tradition. And if you're still on the hunt for one, keep your eyes peeled at flea markets, auctions, and estate sales. Who knows? You might just stumble upon a hidden gem.